
Never A Right Time To Say Goodbye *Chris Brown Voice*

Here is where I received this picture After taking this class, I discovered not only how easy it is to blog, but genuinely how fun it could actually be. I realized that this blog could be a foot in the door for maybe a more personal blog that I can create. This class helped me understand how to create a blog, what I can include in it, and also what is appealing to my readers. My classmates did an amazing job with their feedback and that also molded the way I few blogging now. I have considered creating a personal blog with content I am passionate about, simply because this class opened that door for me that I had never opened before. Here and here are two of my favorite blog posts that I have done. Along with my joy for responses and responding to others, here and here are some of my favorite responses I have done. There are two students in this class whom’s blogs have really stood out to me and I would love if they got recognition for their posts. Beau and Shana posts w

Online Quizzes

So the holidays are coming up and many people tend to be drawn to online quizzes. So I decided that whoever reads this blog today should enjoy this quiz ! It is interesting how you can find just about anything on the internet and how websites like "Buzzfeed" allow you to collaborate with them. For example, you take their quiz, and through the answers you choose, they follow with an end result. No end result can be given without someone answering each question on the quiz. So it is interesting to think of collaboration in that way. In this case, you collaborate with "Buzzfeed" to see which Christmas song you are! The internet has just about everything and with everything comes entertainment and collaboration. So enjoy! Here is where I got this image

Wikipedia and it's Value

Since high school, we have always been told the Wikipedia is not a source that is credible enough to cite in scholarly papers. Yet, when you search topics on Google typically the first thing that comes up is a page on Wikipedia that has the information that you are searching for. Majority of information on Wikipedia is cited and the sources they are obtained from are provided on the page. Yet, people do not find this to be credible enough to use in scholarly works. I find that very interesting and also somewhat outdated. Wikipedia has become far more efficent in staying on top of what is posted and by whom it is posted by. The false information that people post is almost immediately taken down. This website conducted their own research and came up wit the fact that "95% of the information" on Wikipedia they looked up was actually accurate. This being said, I like Wikipedia because people are always forced to cite where they obtained their information, yet they can bring up t

Pepsi Ad - The Controversy

Here is where I got this picture Today in class we discussed meme's and ad's that went viral and brought up an immense amount of attention. The attention for the Pepsi Ad specifically, came back pretty negative and many people were not pleased with this ad whatsoever. This ad went wrong in many ways and it makes me, and plenty of other people, wonder why no one creating the ad realized the issues they were creating. The company tried to mock what seemed to be "similar" to a black lives matter movement. They knew that was relevant in the country right now, yet what they did was romanticise the protests to make them seem like they were one big happy party almost, instead of what they actually are. That being that they are heartfelt and those protesting are definitely not happy, which is the point of them protesting. The point of the protests is the issue with police brutality and how people of color are treated differently in this country than "white people.&q

Post for 9/28

Author's Family Member Used With Permission If you are reading this and intend to read it all the way through, then enjoy these next one thousand words. I promise to make it as interesting as possible, so thank you for reading. So it all starts with my experiences, where I have been, what I have done, who I have met, and most importantly, how collaboration ties into all the above. My entire life I have been a tad bit more “tech savvy” I guess you could say. I just think I always had a thing for technology and it became a big part of who I was. When I was younger I had a YouTube channel with my best friends and we always came up with funny dances or skits and posted them. That is basically where the collaboration began. I have always loved working in groups; I come from a very big family so I was raised that way. I also played sports my entire life so collaborating was the only way to get things done. I am very independent, yes, but I truly do work well with others as well. In

AI vs. Humans

After reading the lecture in TopHat for class today, there was an example that stood out to me that I wanted to expand on. It was the subject of algorithms and how people compare artificial intelligence, also known as "AI" to humans. It has been an ongoing controversial topic of whether AI's can make conscious decisions. After reading the lecture it is noted that the AI that was sitting in class could only respond to questions that it was taught the answers to. Many people believe that in creating AI's that the way you program them is how they respond. So you could program an AI to answer all these questions correctly, for instance, if you put an AI with a human-sounding voice behind door number one and a human behind door number two, and ask both the same set of questions and both answer with the same answers, you would not be able to distinguish the difference between the human and the AI. Yet, it is believed that since the AI does not actually FEEL or have any sort

Taming Toxic Behavior

After reading an article in class, it brought some interesting viewpoints to my mind on video games as a whole. Growing up I have seen my brothers play video games on "X-Box Live" for a very long time. They play games like Call of Duty, even games like Madden, that allow you to play with someone "live" and you can interact with players across the world. The amount of cursing, name-calling, and threats you read and hear as they play is unruly. After seeing the company called "Riot" try and find the source of the toxic behavior, it made me sit back and realize that action is being taken to source and extinguish the problem. This company not only is trying to find the roots of toxic behavior, but they are also publicly sharing how they are doing it. As I read in the  article  the goal of the team is to change the way players act. Banning the players is only a temporary fix to a long-term problem. What is remarkable about what they are doing is they are sharin