Wikipedia and it's Value

Since high school, we have always been told the Wikipedia is not a source that is credible enough to cite in scholarly papers. Yet, when you search topics on Google typically the first thing that comes up is a page on Wikipedia that has the information that you are searching for. Majority of information on Wikipedia is cited and the sources they are obtained from are provided on the page. Yet, people do not find this to be credible enough to use in scholarly works. I find that very interesting and also somewhat outdated. Wikipedia has become far more efficent in staying on top of what is posted and by whom it is posted by. The false information that people post is almost immediately taken down. This website conducted their own research and came up wit the fact that "95% of the information" on Wikipedia they looked up was actually accurate. This being said, I like Wikipedia because people are always forced to cite where they obtained their information, yet they can bring up things that are modified over time that old sources and textbooks cannot. Someone who wrote about Donald Trump 5 years ago would have entirely new information on him now. That once credible source is now outdated but we're expected to use that because it is "credible." I believe wikipedia should be able to be tantviely used in scholarly work now-a-days. 
Here is where I got this picture


  1. Hey Bria, I agree I was told in HS that wikipedia is not a credible source because anybody can post on their. You, em, maybe even a baby. I always wondered why whenever you type something in on a search engine wikipedia comes up first. So schools don't want us to use it, yet they can't come up with a deal that takes away wikipedia popping up first to stop kids from using wikipedia information

  2. Hello Bria, i agree with your opinion that wikipedia information can sometime not very correct because everyone can edit them, but i also think that is one of the good thing for it, because those people who want to edit wrong information on it on purpose is no that much, so more poeple edit on the wiki will make it better and better. But the bad situation sometimes still happened, so we need to recheck the information from wiki before we use it.


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