Spreadability vs. Stickiness

After being in class this week I came to know how media is shared and how sharing them in different ways makes a difference in who see’s them. There is tactics that are used to share information through media and these tactics are spreadability veruses stickiness. It seems to be that spreadability is more efficient because it truly focuses on the connections between people, accounts, brands, and more all on social media. These connections are brightened and made more noticeable just by over serving them through social media platforms. Spreadability basically focuses on the “why” and not the “how. It is more the logistic side that can be spread amongst others. While stickiness just draws everyone into that subject but it cannot be passed around to other people. It is more of a destination and you “stick” there instead of coming across it and passing it along, which is what spreadability is. So basically for example, a recipe video on facebook using all trader joe’s products can be stumbled upon, used, and spread elsewhere. That is spreadability. While a post on instagram with a direct link to trader joe’s website would be stickiness because it takes you directly to their website. Both are efficient, but I believe that I would prefer spreadability over stickiness.


  1. Hey Bria, I agree that spreadability is better than stickiness. To me stickiness is something that doesn't have easy access to change and improvise. On the other hand, I feel like spread ability is being accessible to change. I'd like to think that republicans are more lenient towards stickiness thinking, and democrats are more lenient towards spreadability thinking. In my opinion I feel like republicans are stuck in the past of the way that they think and the actions that they take. To as with democrats are more open to new things giving them the term spreadability.

  2. Hi Bria, I think that it depends on the type of media as to whether stickiness or spreadability is more effective. Having something such as a live stream or television show works better as sticky media, as it comes from one source generally, and serves as large an audience as possible. Media that is more spreadable could include a blog post, or user generated video, as that can be linked between users on social media much easier. It appears as though content on the internet has shifted towards more of a spreadability mindset though, as "Viral videos" and content of the sort are able to find some of the largest audiences ever conceived in human history.


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