
Showing posts from August, 2017


So in this class I am currently taking, ESOC 211, we have been learning about group work and the different dynamics it may entail and/or require. There were a few things that made me think about not the groups we are put in, but as a class and university as a whole. As I was looking at the course material I was looking at the differences between planned groups, emergent groups, and circumstantial groups. Planned groups typically are what we have in this class. Each day we get together in groups that we form on our own because our professor requires us to. While we actually are all a part of an emergent group because we all go to this university and more specifically, we all take this class. By coming to this class every day we are a part of an emergent group because we are repeatedly interacting with the same subset of people. Then, by being in both of these groups we end up being in circumstantial groups, which is more of the specific groups that we are in. Every Tuesday and Thursday


Welcome to my very first blog post! So I wanted to touch on collaboration and how I definitely have been a part of collaborative human processes. Ideally, to collaborate is to work with others in order to complete a thought, come up with an idea, or to settle something. A good example of a collaboration is when a team is brought together in order to accomplish a certain goal. Whether that be a team of lawyers hired in order to build a strong case for their client and win. Or it can be as simple as a volleyball team with each individual player doing their part for the overall outcome of winning a game. Although I have been a part of collaborating with a sports team I wanted to touch more on my collaborations that focused on technology, social media specifically. I work for a jewelry company as a part of their marketing team. So with the help of me and two other women, we decide what to post, when to post it, and who we want to target. With each line this company comes up with we all sit